Sunday, January 9, 2011

Distance Learning: From Mail-Order Correspondence to Web 2.0

My Personal Definition of Distance Learning

     My initial, personal perception of distance education originates from my early college years. My alma mater implemented a distance learning course during the early 1990s. I was a skeptical candidate for the course and, ultimately, turned down the opportunity. I felt insecure about not having an instructor somewhere on that campus to support me when needed. It scared me to think I would be in a classroom with twenty to thirty other students and nothing but a television standing in the place where a person should be. My mental list of 'what-ifs" began to grow before I selected a place to sit.  How many others have felt this way? Numerous, I would venture to guess.  

     To really grasp a comprehensive meaning of what distance learning is, I required an understanding of what it used to be. Women have been one of the earliest beneficiaries of distance learning dating back to the 1800's thanks to "Anna Eliot Ticknor, an author and advocate for women's education establishing the 'Society to Encourage Studies at Home" (Distance Education:The Next Generation, date unknown). Dr. Simonton's contribution to the aforementioned timeline provides an excellent visual cue of the history of distance learning. I was surprised to learn the origin dates back as far as the 19th century with individuals accessing coursework to be completed at home. So, my personal definition began to change with this knowledge alone.

My Evolving Definition: Distance Learning is an ever-evolving, historical, educational concept that supports the academic, professional, and personal growth needs of everyone who possesses a desire to learn via a non-traditional setting.  

     I found the following visual of value when determing the definition that deliverers of distance education collectively have and drew from that to further guide the formation of my own definition.

Effective Practices provided by Sloan-C

My Evolving Definition: Distance Learning is an ever-evolving, historical educational concept offering quality content and qualified instructors that supports the academic, professional, and personal growth needs of everyone who possesses access to and a desire to learn via a non-traditional setting.  

My Vision for Future Distance Learning 
     My vision for distance learning in the future benefits individuals with developmental disabilities.  I dream of being able to write a grant large enough to equip the center with assistive technology that supports distance learning opportunities for adults who require a secure environment but exposure to the world around them. This would mean so much for consumers who desire to learn skills without the group setting. I see developing online programs that cater to the community access needs of individuals who are transitioning back into society's mainstream.

My MindMap
Click below to visit the mindmap

Distance Education: The Next Generation [Vodcast without audio]. (Date unlisted). United States: Laureate Education.
Website: The Sloan Consortium.

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